Categories: Writing

Can I write?

Last week I went to Women’s Prize Live and I found myself talking to a published author about my writing experience. I started by saying about the blogging experience that I have, as I feel that I clocked up quite a lot of words in various posts, particularly as an expat living in Italy and also here in the UK.

What I didn’t mention to this author is the fact that I have completed a few writing courses.  Instead I also mentioned about book reviewing.

After the event I found myself thinking about my own writing projects and also the general craft of writing. Discussing this with a friend, he asked me if I had ever read Stephen King’s ‘On Writing’. I said, started but not finished.  In fact, I reflected my copy is on my bookshelf amongst the other writing craft focused books.

That evening, I went and collected it, noted how I had barely started it and thought, you know what, this needs reading.  I want to know what Stephen King’s thoughts are on the writing process.  Noting also that his genre isn’t one I am attracted to at all, but it is about writing.

Reading this book has had an unexpected result.  Perhaps you are wondering what this is.  I have reached a conclusion that at this time, I no longer wish to pursue any of the writing projects that I have been considering recently.  Instead, I am going to give myself a total clean slate.

Writing is not life, but I think that sometimes it can be a way back to life.

On Writing, Stephen King, pg301-2.

I listened to a podcast which has also contributed to my decision. It was Michael Mosley interviewing Paul Bloom (a psychologist at the University of Toronto) about what are his top five tips for living a good life. I’m just going to mention the fifth one here, which is ‘Know Thyself’.  I think that I am on a little quest to dig deep on this one.

Writing will always be a part of who I am as a person. I see this as a moment to head in a different direction.

Cathy Powell:
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